Friday, September 17, 2010

Thoughts About Things That Matter

Living alone in Florida these past few months, connecting by phone calls and email, Skype, Facebook, videos, and photos, I do feel as though I've kept in pretty good contact with my beloveds.  The only things I've missed are hugs, grins, sloppy kisses (from Tan), dirty diapers, lunches out with Paul, and Chicken Schnitzel with Susan (ok, there's a story there for another time).  Let's face it, I've had lots of time for reflection and inventory.  Here are some thoughts about things that matter.

1.  God.  He's real, He cares, He strengthens.  He provides peace if we ask him, direction if we seek him, and comfort if we let Him.   He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. 

2.  Family.  Well, there's a no-brainer it seems.  But, not so fast.  I hear stories all the time about fractured families, splits, fights, and animosity.  We are blessed with a loving and supportive family but that doesn't just happen.  Those kinds of families are developed one decision at a time, one pat on the back after another, one resolve to forgive again (70 x 7), one hand reaching out to another again, one willing to give more and not count the cost.  Our family reaches back generations to our parents, their parents, extended family, cousins and friends who count us as part of their families too.  It is a rich framework of heritage, tradition, recipes, honor, sorrow, and all of the other details that compose a family.  A family is like a painting with thousands of brushstrokes of all colors and directions that blend into one picture.  You can appreciate its beauty in the macro and enjoy the entire image, or you can inspect the beauty and genius of each individual little swirl of color.   A family is also like a tapestry with a beautiful array of threads and colors weaving a gorgeous pattern, yet turn it over and there are also threads and knots necessary to the piece but not so beautiful as the front that you show the world.  Those threads give the tapestry strength and support however.

3.  Health.  Here's a tough one.  Susan is facing the fight of her life.  She didn't ask for cancer, she doesn't deserve it, and we would like to send it back.  Unfortunately, we are live in these human bodies (for now) and they are prone to sickness and disease.  So at the risk of sounding like your mother, can I just state a few things for all of us?   Don't take your health for granted.  If you smoke - stop.  Eat healthy foods in the right quantities.  Get exercise, enough sleep, use alcohol appropriately.  Drive carefully, wear good shoes, manage stress, laugh often, spend time with friends.  Love extravagantly. 

3.   Peace.  See #'s 1,2 and 3 above.  That's about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Becky: What a treasure of education from such a difficult circumstance! I will love extravagantly, I promise. I will make memories and appreciate, honor and embrace my family, both by birth and by special invitation. (Our wonderful Walkers!) I will cherish and protect my health in every way I can...except...well...(blush) Bonnie Bell ice cream is a hard one! Thank you for sharing this journey and allowing me to grow along with you.
