Saturday, November 13, 2010

Out For The Count

I started back on chemotherapy on Monday, November 8, 2010.  I knew that my tumor markers going from 1023 to 1105 meant that Dr. Matei would put me back on chemotherapy I just didn't know that she would want to begin Monday.  Any discussion of chemotherapy with her leads to a crying jag for me and I had one to be sure.  It has been since April that I have been treated with chemotherapy and had I been in my right mind I might have been more proactive and asked more questions.  You might want to really think things through when attempting chemotherapy because there are some details that just need to be worked out.

For example, I might have remembered how vitally important it is to hydrate oneself after receiving chemotherapy.  I did well for a couple of days but then Wednesday I was knocked for a loop and didn't come out of it until Saturday.  I was in unbelievable amounts of pain that probably would have been somewhat avoided had I hydrated.  Of course, being on what is commonly referred to as the "Red Devil" may mean that I will not be able to avoid this, for now I intend to think positively.

Also, she stated that the majority of people on this treatment are able to work.  I might have explored this with her a bit further and realized I might have to go it easy, you know, for the first week at least.  I thought positively and as I lay in bed and suffered there was a glimmer of hope that tomorrow might be a new day and I could get back to work.  It didn't happen.  Now, I find myself wondering if I can survive the entire four months only working on the off weeks.

I talked to my friend Michelle today.  I didn't remember that we had spoken on Wednesday when I was in the throes of pain and suffering.  She was happy to hear I had made it through. I was aghast that we did in fact speak and I didn't remember.  I am not pleased to report that short term memory loss is on the list of possible side effects for Adriamycin.  I am not one for reading the multiple page printout of side effect, ahem, I wasn't one for it until now.  I think a little research might be in order to find ways to hopefully avoid any unnecessary pain and suffering.  I am also receiving the drug Cytoxan which is also commonly used to make mustard gas.  Good grief.

I am not scheduled for this treatment again until November 29, 2010.  If any of you have any handy tips to impart on me before that day it is most welcome.  Any extra prayer time on that day would be much coveted and appreciated.  Please reserve all phone calls following that day for at least a week.  I would like to remember that I spoke to you and may be trying to rest and get through it.  Thank you for reading and thanks in advance for the tips.


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