Saturday, October 9, 2010

An Email from a Doting Father

10pm MST

"Susan fed, pampered, asleep in our bed. Love you.  She is tired, temp is normal, no antibiotics needed...."

This was after Paul spent his evening sitting in the ER with Susan, entertaining her with stories, sharing perspectives, and answering my scores of phone calls.  If love could totally cure in the way we want it to, she'd be walking in the Race for the Cure this year too. 

There is much comfort in the knowledge that God is in control, loved first and best, and is our heavenly Father.   John 3:16 tells us that "God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life".   Have you ever injected a name there?  God so loved Susan that He gave..........  Our travail in this earthly life does not begin to compare to the riches of an eternity in paradise without pain or suffering, or time, or crime, or bills.  Romans 8:18 says it like this "our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us".   2 Cor 4:7-18 has a wonderful perspective on present suffering and eternity too.  Check it out. 

Even so, we cry out for her to be physically healed.  "Father God, we implore that it would please you to heal Susan of this cancer that has afflicted her.  We ask that you would move in her body as the Great Physician and in your miraculous way cast the cancer aside".  

Even so, we cry real tears.  But we are comforted by the assurance of the love of our heavenly Father, and able to rest in the ministering of an earthly father who would move heaven and earth, were it possible, for his little girl.  "Fed, pampered, and asleep in our bed", in other words, "protected, comforted, and safe".    Dad is on duty. 

1 comment:

tracey said...

Very well said I love you mom!