Sunday, August 14, 2011

What I know now that I just sort of knew then...part 5

What I know now that I just sort of knew then was how important it is to have a clearly defined sense of self.  I have known many people who allowed themselves to be defined by their children, their husband, their pastor or even their job.  Perhaps, it is the luxury of being an older woman with a young child, I have come to know myself over the years.  Knowing myself as I do, I do not get lost in all those different aspects of my life, and I certainly do not get lost in the illness I am working to overcome.

Each day, I rely upon my inner strength, my faith, and my intestinal fortitude to make the most of all the moments I am gifted.  I cannot imagine facing all of this without knowing myself.  If I did not know myself I would not be able to draw on my resources and bolster myself when I feel stressed or drained.  Without knowing myself, I would not be able to form strong relationships and gain the support system that I have, which keeps me afloat.  I do not believe that a person who does not know themselves well, can form authentic relationships with other strong individuals.

I have heard it said that Navy Seals are pushed beyond their limits so that they may excel beyond what even they think they are capable of.  This journey, in some ways, feels like a spiritual form of Seal training.  Not that I could even begin to imagine what real life Navy Seal training could be like.  I have been pushed beyond my prior tolerances for pain, fatigue, stress, and endurance of spirit.  My desire to work and participate in my family to the extent that I am able has multiplied.  At times, my body gives out but my spirit stays strong.

I think it pays to work on self development as often as you can.  Take a trip with a girlfriend or, if you dare, alone.  The key to developing a strong sense of self is to stretch your comfort zone in as many ways as possible.  Visit uncharted territory.  Conquer your fears.  Discover!  Then please email me and let me know what you did...I still need 40 some odd items on my bucket list.  lol.

The promises of this world are, for the most part, vain phantoms; and to confide in one's self, and become something of worth and value is the best and safest course. ~Michelangelo

What we do flows from who we are. ~Paul Vitale

I loathe the expression "What makes him tick." It is the American mind, looking for simple and singular solution, that uses the foolish expression. A person not only ticks, he also chimes and strikes the hour, falls and breaks and has to be put together again, and sometimes stops like an electric clock in a thunderstorm. ~James Thurber

My life should be unique; it should be an alms, a battle, a conquest, a medicine. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance



Pamela M. Steiner said...

Conquering fears: When I decided to let what I was writing in private go blog. I also stepped out on faith and attended a Christian Writer's Conference, with the goal of writing a book. Instead I ended up writing my blog...and I am still thinking and praying and trying to get up the courage to write the book. In His time I know it will happen...but when it does, it will be from a new perspective than when I first began. God is still teaching me and preparing me for that "unchartered event" in my life. Thank you for these challenges today. It has helped me re-focus (again).

Susan said...

I am also thinking of writing a book. I met an author last year on an airplane and it was another God wink. God had instructed me to put business cards in my travel bag and He had instructed her to put her book in hers. It was the first time I had ever been on a flight that was too short. We chatted the entire time. She encouraged me to write my book (of which I am barely started) and told me to start by keeping a journal of my thoughts and ideas. I have been thinking of taking a writing course and wondered if there is a decent online course. I am glad to have helped you re-focus and I look forward to my signed first edition when you finish it up. Susan

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I am looking forward to the signed copy of your first edition as well. You WILL write your is being written as we speak...I've often wondered who would ever read anything I had written anyway...and I have discovered that I must leave that up to God. I just need to keep writing and He will take care of the rest. YOu must do the same...your story needs to be shared. God will provide the readers...the ones who He knows will benefit from your story the most. So keep writing, whether it be in blog form or book form...just keep writing. It's all good.

Jo said...

Self knowledge is holy ground.

And let me add: Forget the writing course, just let your story flow out. There are others who can help smooth the words and provide some copy advice, but if we wait until we can write perfectly, we've lost the opportunity for authentic sharing.