Monday, August 8, 2011

What I know now that I just sort of knew then...part 3

It is not the place, nor the condition, but the mind alone that can make anyone happy or miserable.''
Sir Roger L'Estrange

They say that "attitude is everything" and I knew that this was a true statement but now I really know how powerful your attitude can be.  I work in a field where I have the ability to influence those I work with.  What I have learned through this experience is that having a good attitude when things are not going well seem to make people stand up and pay attention.

I believe that when you can stay focused on the positive it does something to your entire being.  It is not always possible to remain upbeat but I realize that it is important to try.  I have always tried to send the message to my clients that I care about them.  When I would show up for appointments despite having a broken back and being hardly able to walk they received that message from me in a powerful way.  When they expressed concern for me and I was able to grin through the pain and authentically say, "hey it is hard for me right now, but I am doing something I believe in and it will get easier.  Life is hard sometimes but you just have to keep moving."  Many of them related that this motivated to try harder in their lives, thinking, hey if she can do all of that, I can give some more effort.

I work hard on this blog and in my personal and professional life to remain hopeful and positive.  When I succeed it seems to inspire others to do the same.  What I know now that I just sort of knew then that this is a powerful way to live.  It is faith in practice and it just feels better than the alternative, allowing yourself to feel miserable.

I hope that you too will be inspired to give a little more umph to your life and your goals.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

May God bless you Susan for all you do and for keeping a positive attitude with all that you are going through.Mary Gough