Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How do you know when you know?

Every day I make decisions.  Nearly every day I sit with people who are wrestling with decisions they are trying to make.  When I reflect on my life and some of my decisions I honestly wonder how I was so fortunate to make the right ones.  The ones that were not right still sting a little but I can say I learned a lot from them.

I wish that I had a formula for decision making that was a little more solid than first impulse or going with my gut.  How do you know when you know?  Do you?  Maybe you don't.  Perhaps that is what is meant by hindsight being 20/20.

I have sat with someone convinced, absolutely rock solid, that she needed to get divorced and was firm in this conviction for about eight months straight.  Then we had a great joint session with her husband and three months later she was glad that she didn't because it would not have been the right decision.  I have accepted a job and then offered another one a week later that I thought was better so I took it.  It wasn't.  The thing is that our minds can be so convincing.

A  premise of my job as a counselor is to counsel people in the midst of a decision.  I listen to them and ask question based on my knowledge of them as a person.  Having a sounding board can be a huge help but you must be careful.  When you put your life up to committee make sure that the committee members are educated, somewhat neutral and have experience in the arena in which you want their assistance.  If you want business advice consult business men and women who are achieving a level of success.  This is a helpful process as long as you are careful not to be steered in a direction or substitute another person's ideas for your own feelings.

This is sort of what I have figured out so far.  I welcome your thoughts and anecdotes.  Do you have a method that is tried and true?  Please share it. 


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