Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ezekiel 37:1-14

I would certainly hate to engage in some one-upping with Bible verses but these verses speak to me regarding my situation.  Cancer cells are cells that mutate and begin to run their own agenda.  It has always seemed wrong to me to visualize the cancer being attacked or cursing the cancer cells or even to regard them with hate.  I work instead on visualizing God breathing life into me and / or filling me with His healing love.

In this chapter God asks Ezekiel if the bones can live and Ezekiel replies, "O Lord God Thou knowest."  He is instructed to phrophesy over the bones.  In verse 5 it says "Thus says the Lord God to these bones, 'Behold, I will cause breath to enter you that you may come to life."

Many people are praying for me and we are believing in and asking for a miracle.  I would ask that you pray these verses over me and ask God to breathe new life into my bones so that I may stand strong and once again be fit for battle.


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