Friday, September 16, 2011

The News

I saw my Doctor today who stated that she was not happy to see that my tumor markers have gone up to 844 from the 244 they were before I started Xeloda.  She was concerned that there may be progression of the disease so she asked me to do a PET/CT Scan, MRI of the brain, and is sending in a referral to a Urologist.  Then she wants to see me next week and if there is progression she is going to put me on a new IV chemotherapy treatment on September 22.

I have been having some problems with Urinary Tract Infections.  It seems I have been getting them one after another since May so it is important that we look into that further.  I have also had some numbness on my chin and eyesight irregularities which is why the MRI is ordered.  Additionally, I have had bone pain but we feel that this might be due to the Xeloda and not pain due to progression since I am not experiencing the pain when off the Xeloda.

If I begin the IV chemotherapy, my Doctor informs me that I will indeed lose my hair.  If there does not look to be progression I may continue on Xeloda but on a reduced dose.  So it seems that everything is up in the air once again.  I hate the idea that I may be facing another Thanksgiving while losing my hair.  I do not like it.  I was just getting ready to make a hair appointment to get this curly, curly hair of mine under control. 

My Doctor is pleased that I have had this disease since October 09 with relatively little progression.  I am fortunate that it has stayed in the bones and not spread to soft tissue where it would be much more difficult to control. 

Keeping my chin up. 



Pamela M. Steiner said...

I am sorry for the news that you did NOT want to hear, but am thankful for your good Dr. who wants to check every thing thoroughly. I am certain you will be beautiful with or w/o your curly curly hair...the important thing is that you WILL be with your family at Thanksgiving and they will love you just the way you are. Yes, keep your chin up...and keep looking up. God is still in control in all things. Praying for you tonight.

Jo said...

I hope you will schedule some time to not be brave... and then move ahead with that chin. God grant you peace and light your path. --Jo