Monday, January 10, 2011

Everyone needs a snow day

We had a nice snow storm with cold temperatures last night into this morning.  Since I work for myself and can easily shift appointments, I decided to take a snow day.  I do not like being out on the roads or having my clients drive across town when there is just no need for it. 

It was so nice to linger in a warm, soft bed and have a leisurely breakfast.  My husband came home with our son and we had a fun morning.  A lady in our church had given Tan a zebra 3 in 1 scooter/bike from Vtech toys and the baby was exploring it and pushing all the buttons as he sat on the seat.

Snow days are like mini vacations or mental health days.  It is a pajama day where you move at a slow pace and give yourself permission to say no to whatever does not appeal to you.  Ahhh...such a nice luxury.  The best part of Colorado Springs, in my opinion, is that we can have a pretty snow storm and also that it quickly and rather politely melts away so that it doesn't cause much of a bother.  By this afternoon the roads were already melting. 

I am from Maine and so it almost seems wrong to stay at home in my pajamas when I am fully capable of driving in two inches of snow.  I said almost because mental health days are vital and so are vacations.  I wonder when the last day you had a snow day or took a break from your routine?  If it has been too long and you are a bit stressed plan one for yourself. 

Step one:  go to the grocery store and stock up on treats like hot cocoa, marsh mellows and fun breakfast food.  Step two:  take your mental health day by making the proper arrangements with your employer.  Step three: sleep as late as possible, linger in bed, eat a fantastic breakfast and do only what you want to do.  You might be tempted to organize your closet but resist this and every other productive and work related impulse.  Step four: repeat as often as possible for maximum benefit and good results.

1 comment:

It Just Takes Courage; a Weight Loss Journey said...

Step 5: Show up at Mom and Dad's for a nice lunch and a joint nap for Boo and Daie (aka Tan and Grampy. Daie is pronounced DI-EE and it means "my grampy".
Step 6: Hang out at Mom's for a lazy afternoon of chatting and computing, and stay a nice supper.
Step 7: Mom and Dad get the best end of the deal