Thursday, June 16, 2011

The hot dog bun

If you have ever lived in one area of the country or world and then moved to another you know from personal experience that there are things that are awesome about where you grew up and then things that are not so awesome about your new digs.  One such disappointment for me is the hot dog bun.  That and the discovery that Chinese food is remarkably different everywhere you go, but that is a blog post for another day.
For those of you not from New England you might be surprised to learn that there is a big difference in something so simple.  Yes, a big difference.  I suppose that some of you are thinking right now that people with cancer should not eat hot dogs due to the nitrates and that is no doubt true as there has been a lot in the news recently about that.  I don't really eat hot dogs very much and have not even shopped for them at Whole Foods, but while in Maine, I admit I have eaten a few natural casing hot dogs and lobster rolls.  I have eaten them on this trip and I have enjoyed them largely due to the New England hot dog bun on which they were served, but now I digress.

You see, here, the hot dog bun is split ingeniously across the top so that you may lay the dog and condiments inside and it all stands upright and keeps things from spilling out.  Elsewhere, the roll is cut across the middle like a hamburger bun and is rather clumsy, in my humble opinion or like the younger generation likes to text...imho.

the other kind of bun split in the middle
Another beautiful aspect of this hot dog bun, for those of you foodies who appreciate food, is that the sides are nice and flat and can be grilled in a pan with some butter for a nice little crunch.  Not so, with those other buns.  I can hear it now...some of you think that I have completely lost my mind.  Sigh.  Maybe so, or perhaps I am just getting older and picking up on things I might not have noticed as I was racing around in my younger, more hectic days.
Crab Meat on a Hot Dog Bun

 Here is what I know, the taste of home is an important thing.  It is celebratory.  It is comforting.  It is a piece of you and it is missed when you do not have it.  I know that you all can not jump on a plane today but perhaps you can find some way to be good to yourself even if it is to look at some pictures of family that will warm your heart. 



Anonymous said...

My thing was the black eyed peas with cornbread and tomato relish accompanied with a tall glass of ice tea from my grandma's house in Texas. No matter what I do, mine just don't taste the same!

Susan said...

Did you drink the ice tea in a Mason Jar? When I come back I think I might come over and sign you up so you wont be anonymous anymore!!! ;)

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Hi Susan, I just disovered your blog as I was looking up the First Baptist Church of Blue Hill for more information. My husband and I are contemplating a BIG move to that area, should the Lord open the door for us here in the near future. I can totally relate to your comments about the hot dog bun...we currently live in Florida, but had previously lived in New England, and I agree, the N.E. variety of hot dog buns are far superior to any other! I always find myself looking for them in the stores here, but am always disappointed! No one here in Florida can understand what I am talking about, unless they happen to also have lived in N.E.! Even tho I don't know you, I will be praying for you. We have a son battling cancer in Maine, and that is the #1 reason we want to get back up there. Blue Hill is still 3 hrs. from where they live, but it looks like a place we could actually enjoy living...and our kids assure us they would welcome the weekend getaway if we move there! You can learn more about me and my family on my blog: God bless you, and I pray for your complete healing and recovery.

Susan said...


if you click on the links to our home in Maine you can check it out. It is in Surry which is Blue Hills neighbor. Feel free to email me at or look me up on facebook. We will remember your son in our prayers. Where does he live? Susan

Pam said...

Susan, Thank you so much for writing back! Our son Matthew lives in Lyman, ME, which is south of Portland, near Biddeford/Kennebunk area. I am also on Facebook as Pamela Mursch Steiner. We are truly praying that a door will open for us somewhere in Maine...and Blue Hill just happens to have a couple of jobs that we could each we are applying and praying! We've never been there before...but from what I can see, we would love it. You must read my blog from yesterday entitled: You Otter Be In Maine!

Susan said...

My husband found some Nitrate free hot dogs from Oscar Mayer...just in case you gotta have hot dogs in summer. No luck in Colorado on good hot dogs buns...sadly. Susan