Friday, June 24, 2011

The Ties That Bind

I was recently in Maine and had the opportunity to see a dear friend of our family named Donna.  Her laughter was music to my ears and her stories were even better.  Many have proclaimed me to be a good storyteller but she could beat me any day of the week and certainly twice on Sunday.  I do not know when I have last seen her or her husband face to face, but the tie is secure having been knotted in love, and I doubt it will be unraveled anytime soon.

I am sad to say that this is not true in regards to some of my extended family members.  Branches of that tree have fallen off and gotten lost and I feel a bit sick about it.  My outlook on such things has changed since my illness and perhaps as I have grown older.  I realize that relationships are fragile gifts that should be handled with care and nurtured to ensure their survival. 

The phrase "the tie that binds" is commonly used now and often in reference to family.  It is believed to be derived from an old Protestant Hymn.  I have provided a portion of this Hymn below and as you can see it holds more meaning than just that of family. 

Blest be the tie that binds
Our hearts in Christian love;
The fellowship of kindred minds
Is like to that above.

If there is anyone whom you have not seen in a good amount of time I strongly encourage you to look them up.  Your heart will be uplifted for the time well spent.  I know that mine was.

I love you Donna and Herman!


1 comment:

Jo said...

We also are led to reconsider our traditional definition of "family." My family is one that has some surprising members (not to them!) and who serve as balm for some broken relationships that only God can heal.